Warring for Freedom

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024

Today, I am going to share a testimony from last week. It actually has to do with one of our chickens. I know, not the usual subject of a miracle, but bear with me. One of my children and I were out walking around our chicken coop. We noticed that one of our chickens was not acting like herself. She was all fluffed up (despite the heat of the day), she was standing up and closing her eyes and she wanted nothing to do with eating or drinking. We have had other chickens act like this and it doesn’t end well. So we prayed healing over her body as we stood by her.

A little later on, as I was doing dishes actually, I felt that I was supposed to go back out and blow the shofar over her. So I did. Very quickly on, I had felt that this was a spiritual battle. I could sense that the enemy was trying to deal a blow to us. This chicken happens to be one of my favorites. She is always chattering at me, lets me pick her up and if I let her out, she follows me all over the yard. She has earned the name Freedom.

The next morning, as I went out to feed the chickens, I was overjoyed to discover that Freedom was fully herself. It truly was a miracle. It has stirred up the faith of all of us in my house. I know it was “just a chicken”, but she truly is part of our family and it has been an incredible opportunity for us to experience the goodness and power of God. He cares about everything, not matter how big or how small.

I believe there is a second part to this story, and it has a more figurative side. I can’t help but see that the enemy in all of this was trying to take out “Freedom”. We had a choice to make in this. We could have said, “Oh man, why is this happening,” or “What are we going to do now?” We could have shrunk back in fear and defeat. But we truly felt it was time to war. I am fed up with the enemy constantly trying to steal, kill and destroy. I don’t want to keep shrinking back in fear or worry. I want to walk in the God-given authority that is mine to use. And more than anything I want to teach our next generation (from an early age), that they have this same power dwelling inside of them.

Final Thoughts…

I feel like I keep saying this, but in the coming months and years it is going to be more important than ever that we learn how to battle the enemy that prowls around like a lion seeking someone to devour. Our nation and our world are seeing unprecedented wickedness. The time for us to hide away and hope it avoids us has passed. We need to rise up, defend what God has given us and be willing and able to help others see the truth. If we succumb to fear just like the rest of the world we will never stand out when they are looking for the truth and the light. God trains our hands to war, not just for our own freedom but so that we can bring freedom to the lost.