His Beauty Surrounds Us

Tuesday, October 8th, 2024

I had a different blog lined up for today but something incredible happened yesterday morning that I just have to share. It was a normal morning of getting ready to head downstairs to start homeschool. As I finished cleaning up the kitchen, I looked out the west-facing window and saw one end of an incredibly vibrant rainbow. My excitement bubbled over as I was telling the kids to hurry to the back door. As we all stepped outside we realized that we could see the whole rainbow and actually a faint double rainbow above it. I quickly got my phone and started taking pictures and saying, “This is amazing!” over and over and over.

Now, here is the rest of the story that makes this rainbow truly unique. The night before the rainbow my family and I had watched a YouTube video of Okotch Mondoh and Robert Weinger. Okotch is from Kenya and Robert is from Israel. They had just finished a mission of blowing their shofars all across the US. Okotch is specifically urging everyone across the country to blow their shofars at 6am and 6pm every day until the election. As we were watching this video the clock turned to 6:00pm so we got out the shofar and one of my daughters and I blew it.

As I saw the rainbow yesterday I immediately knew that this was God’s answer to our shofar blowing. There are numerous references to shofar in scripture. In Hebrew it’s the word 7782 which is referenced 72 times in the Old Testament. In scripture, the shofar was used as a warning signal of impending danger, a celebration of Jewish festivals, praising God and releasing God’s power over a person and/or a situation.

It’s easy to look around at all of the jaw-dropping wickedness in our world and wonder where God is. But if we are daily seeking God, worshipping Him and letting His infinite wisdom lead us it’s impossible to not see Him working. His healing power, deep presence, blanket of love and promise to never leave us have never been more visible.

Final Thoughts…

God is working. God is moving. Despite what we see with our physical eyes, we must have faith to believe with our spiritual eyes that God is not done with our world, our country or our own lives. He is a jealous Father longing for His bride to return to a place of intimacy and single-mindedness with Him. He is wooing each of us to go deeper under the shadow of His wings. He wants us to sit with Him and let His love-oil flow extravagantly over every fiber of our being. He is that good and He loves us that much. If you are not convinced, ask Him to show you.