Million Women, Part I

Tuesday, October 15th, 2024

This past weekend I had an incredible opportunity to attend the Million Women prayer event in Washington DC. Lou Engle organized the event and brought with him some incredible intercessors, ministry leaders and worship leaders as we all fasted, prayed and stood for our nation. At one point Lou stated that there were 250,000 people in attendance. I have never been around that many people so I have no concept of what that even looks like. All I know is that everywhere you walked and looked along the National Mall in DC there were women, men and children all called by the same Spirit and making an incredible sacrifice to link arms and stand for our nation. We ran into people from many states in the US and even people from other countries (Norway, Sweden, China and South Africa to name a few). I was moved to tears on more than one occasion.

For the next couple of blogs, I am going to share some of the incredible things that were brought forward at the meeting. I also want to share that the whole 10-hour broadcast is available on YouTube. I have found four reputable channels with over 300,000 views as of yesterday. So already, the gathering has reached over half-a-million people. It’s just incredible. I highly recommend that you carve out some time to watch/listen to this video. It is empowering to see so many people in our army. I am convinced that the presence of God will infiltrate every place where that video is replayed.

For today, I want to start to provide an overview of one of the most prevailing themes throughout the whole gathering. While we all recognize there is much evil in many sectors within our nation, the focus was not on these specifics. What we focused on instead is dealing with the church. It may be hard to admit, but a lot of the troubles in our world today are due to the fact that the church has not been fulfilling its role as the governing body of Christ. We have stepped back from government, schools, medical facilities and businesses thinking that these were not “righteous callings”. In doing so, the powers of darkness have stepped in and taken control of all of these areas. So, as the body of Christ representing the U.S. and many parts of the world, we humbled ourselves and repented for the darkness to which we had given authority. We broke off bitterness, rebellion, pride, witchcraft and idolatry. We repented to those we have mislead and to those we have pridefully judged and pushed aside.

Final Thoughts…

Many of us desire a revival and see that it is coming, but is the church ready for what that will mean? Are our own hearts ready for what that will mean? Are we ready with open arms to welcome anyone regardless of their color, their past, their clothes or their political affiliation? Are we ready to lovingly guide them to the truth? Can we admit and repent for the undeserving labels we have placed on “outsiders”? Do we believe like Jesus did that the church isn’t for the well, but for the sick and the hurting? Can we give them the same grace and mercy that God gave to us? If any of these questions provoke an unhealthy twinge in our hearts perhaps it’s time to do a little work on that subject. We have to stop thinking that “they” are the problem and/or the solution. The church has dropped the ball, and we must humble ourselves so that we can be the solution the world needs.