Million Women Part III

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

While I was in D.C., God showed me a couple of visions that I wanted to share. The way that the gathering was set up, the stage was in the middle of the mall facing west (towards the Washington Monument). So that means that all of us standing there were facing east with a clear view of the Capitol Building. At one point towards the end of the evening I had a brief vision of the statue atop the capitol building falling down.

At first, I thought for sure that was not of God. Later on, as I was discussing the event with one of my travel partners, this vision came up and we both started looking into the details of the statue. She is named the Statue of Freedom and she stands just over 19 feet tall. She was completed in the 1860s. Upon further research she is actually composed of a few elements from Roman gods. In my spirit this feels a bit like she is an idol. If our country decided to erect an obelisk, which in ancient Egypt was a tribute to the sun god, on the other end of the National Mall, we probably shouldn’t assume that the statue on the other end is righteous!

In my vision the Statue of Freedom is the one that toppled down from the top of the Capitol dome. This tells me that the idols of unrighteousness that we have erected in our country are soon coming down. I don’t necessarily mean that the statue is literally going to fall. It is a picture of the spiritual battle that is taking place all across our nation and really all across the world.

The second vision I had was in the early morning hours right after our 10 hours of fasting and praying on the mall. I saw the horizon of the earth and I saw a lion’s head coming up over the horizon the way that the sun rises in the morning. As the lion’s head rose higher and higher I could see that it was the lion’s eyes that were shining beacons of light on everything. Isn’t that just what we need? Wherever I go and see unrighteous political signs or evidence of witchcraft or anything else that is not a fruit of the Spirit I pray that God will shine light into the situation so that all will see His truth. This is exactly what this vision is showing.

Final Thoughts…

It’s tempting to get caught up in the doom and gloom of all that is happening in our world. And don’t get me wrong, much of it is very sad and many innocent people are getting caught in the cross hairs. It’s important for us to keep praying and interceding for all that places where God moves us to pray. But we cannot let these things move us or bring us to a place of hopelessness. Jesus has already defeated hell and death. He has already overcome the world. I once heard Heidi Baker say, “If we don’t give up, we win.” We must continue to seek God’s face day by day and moment by moment. We must trust in our Maker and listen for His direction. We cannot give up on ourselves or on Him. He knows that He is doing, and He will show us the way. Darkness will fall and the light of truth will show us all the way.