Thursday, February 13th, 2025
Last week was an interesting week for me. As I wrote in the Clutter in the Closet blog, I felt like God was shining His light of love into my spiritual closets. Over the years I became good at filing away various pain and emotions so that I could “move on” with my life. However, eventually those painful seeds that I had sowed were starting to produce some unhealthy fruit.
Acknowledging the accuracy of God’s spotlight, I asked Him to help me bring these things to the surface so we could deal with them. After I prayed this, there were a couple of mornings where I woke up with what felt like a sense of heaviness. The tears seemed to fall unexpectedly and I felt like I was bordering on a state of hopelessness. I kept seeking Him to find the root of my state, and then it hit me, He was answering my prayer. It didn’t feel like a typical answer. It didn’t feel like healing, but that’s why God’s ways and thoughts are higher than ours. As soon as I realized He was working I settled into the process and allowed Him to wipe away my tears and lift my heaviness.
Webster’s 1828 defines healing as curing, restoring to a sound state, or the act of covering. Interestingly enough, the day where most of this healing took place I felt to wear a shirt that has what looks like feathers on it. Now I understand why. God was covering me under the shadow of His wings while He was touching and healing numerous scars and wounds. While I was experiencing tears and a state of heaviness, He was working deep within me drenching me in His healing oil.
You see, we have a prescription for what we think our healing should look like. We think we will have some major revelation of a thing and then walk through dealing with it, letting it go, and moving on. But is it possible that we don’t even need to know the thing to be healed from the thing? I wouldn’t have thought so before the last few days.
God brought an incredible scripture during this time that I can now say I have experienced. It’s Psalm 126:5-6 (TPT):
5Those who sow their tears as seedswill reap a harvest with joyful shouts of glee.6They may weep as they go out carrying their seed to sow,but they will return with joyful laughter and shouting with gladnessas they bring back armloads of blessing and a harvest overflowing!
Final Thoughts…
Healing is something that all of us will need at various points in our lives. We are imperfect people living through imperfect experiences with both hidden and visible scars to show for it. If we have signed up for the journey to wholeness and an abundant life, we must be willing to allow God to be our Primary Care Physician. He is waiting for us to trust His care of us no matter what it may look like. Just as unique as our fingerprints and DNA is the path that God has for us and the steps He wants us to take along the way.