The Freedom to Choose

Tuesday, February 25th, 2025

Lately, it feels like we are in a season focused on the importance of our choices. These are not insignificant choices like what kind of cheese I should get or what color socks I should wear. These feel like weighty choices. Whom will I serve? Where will I spend my time? Whose report will I believe? Will I pursue the fruits of the Spirit or the diseases of darkness? Will I speak blessings or curses?

I know, starting out a little heavy today. If our eyes are fixed on God however, the burden of each one of these questions really is easy and light. If we believe God knows what is best, our answer will always align with His will. If we are ever hungry for more of Him, the road before us really isn’t full of confusing forks and round-abouts. The only sign we are following is the one that points to Jesus. Any other choice is one of distraction and unfulfillment.

In Romans 9:33 it says:

33 As it is written:

“Behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock of offense,
And whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.”

The gospel of Jesus produces one of two things in each of us. It either draws us closer to Him or pushes us away. When we stumble in our sin or are faced with the fact that we don’t measure up without Jesus, we have a choice to make. We can either let pride try to tell us that there must be another way, or we can humble ourselves and repent. When Jesus humbles us, it comes with unconditional love and an outstretched hand of grace that reassures us that we will prevail.

Final Thoughts…

There is something very serious, but equally hopeful regarding this moment we are in. The line between obedience and disobedience is becoming clearer and clearer. The line of course has always been there, but Holy Spirit is shining more and more light on it so that those of us with unveiled eyes can see the distinction very clearly. The time has come for us to stop wavering between two worlds. It’s not about us losing out on something. It’s about us deciding once and for all that what God says is truth and anything else will never measure up.