As Little Children

Tuesday, August 13th, 2024

Kids do and say some interesting things don’t they? The more and more I learn about how Holy Spirit works (and that there is no “Jr” Holy Spirit) I try to take a moment and see if their unique expressions come with any Holy Spirit mail. Sometimes their words and actions could be highlighting a spiritual truth that they need to be made aware of. Sometimes they stir up something in us that we soon discover we need to deal with. Sometimes they bring up something we may need to pray about in order to make sure our atmosphere continues to be a place where the presence of God can dwell.

Having kids has been one of the most amazing spiritual temperature checks ever. There is a huge difference in our day depending on whether we are making His wings our refuge or letting our feelings, emotions and other inputs rule the roost. If our temperature isn’t right, we take the time to pray, listen to worship music or sit quietly in His presence for a couple of minutes. It’s just as important for my spirit as it is for theirs. I want them to learn the importance of seeking Him and depending on Him for everything.

I want to briefly share one of my kiddos recent expressions and what God said to me in the midst. We were getting ready to leave our house and we had given the kids a packet of Pez to put in their Pez dispensers. As soon as my youngest finished his, he immediately said, “Want more.” I gave him a gentle reminder that this was all we were going to have and asked if he was grateful for the one package. To which I got back many more, increasingly demanding “want more’s” along with tears and other less desirable antics. My human self was not too thrilled. As I was deciding it was best to just let this run its course, Matthew 18:3 flashed before my eyes:

and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.

Sometimes I feel it’s hard to understand that verse. We see some of the stuff our kids do and we are like, “You want me to do that?” In my case, God said to me, “How often to do you ask for more of Me like your son is asking for more Pez?” Our “mature” adult selves think we have to be more refined and dignified like Michal thought David should have been when he was dancing before the Lord. But the Lord wants us to dance before Him and cry out to Him like a child that cannot imagine life without more of whatever it is that they are seeking.

What an incredible picture to help us understand that verse more, right? Even in the few days since this has happened, when I have a challenging moment, I have stopped and said, “God, I want more; more of Your love, more of Your peace, more of Your wisdom, more of Your strength, more of Your presence.” Can we ever possibly have enough? Is there any situation to which “God I want more” doesn’t apply?

Final Thoughts…

Lord, we want more. Even when our human self thinks we have enough, we still want more. More of You is the answer to every mountain before us, every dark cloud hovering over us, every broken and empty piece of our lives. There is nothing that can strengthen us like You. Nothing that can bring the light of truth like You. Nothing that can heal like You. Show us how to be more like children in this area. Show us how to demand and fight for more of You without reservation. Expose the places in our hearts that are not fully committed to You. Give us the passionate, unadulterated hearts of children.