Center of it All

Tuesday, August 27th 2024

This past week I was blessed with an afternoon of solitude. I spent some time sitting by the Erie Canal reading, praying and just sitting in the presence of God. During this time God gave me a vision that I have been going back to over and over. With my eyes closed I saw a spinning galaxy with Jesus at the center. I could see innumerable particles spinning around Him. Each particle represented a person.

It was not a very long vision, but I have found myself praying into the vision and going back to the vision when I find that my eyes are not on Him. We like to say that Jesus is our everything and He is all we need, but are we fully submitted to the fact that He is the thing that holds everything together? Do we really believe that He has defeated hell and death and every temptation we will ever face? Do we confidently know that He is in control, and He is not surprised by anything that is happening in our world? A fresh measure of peace comes over me when I remind my soul that the answer to all of these is “Yes”.

Whether or not someone believes in Him or knows of Him it doesn’t change the fact that He is the center of all of our lives. He is the thing we are all looking for, the thing we all need to rest in and trust in and the one that has the answer for every question we will ever ask. Unfortunately, many go round and round the galaxy looking for something to fill them without ever knowing He is all they will ever need. There is no other glue holding the galaxy of our existence together. He is the One that gave us life, sustains our life and gives us purpose.

Final Thoughts…

God showed me more about how we pray with this vision in mind. In our current state of affairs, it’s easy to get caught in the trap that everything is spinning out of control. Many are trying to program us to be afraid and angry at all we see. They want us to feel that we are losing control so that we will do whatever they say to try to gain some measure of control. For some of us, that seeps into how we pray and how we battle in the spiritual realm. As things feel like they are spinning out of control it’s important we learn to battle from a place of knowing He is the center of it all. We cannot battle in the spirit from a place of fear or hopelessness. Jesus knows everything and has already defeated everything. Our prayers should come out of this place. These are the prayers that will move mountains and set the captives free.