It’s Not His Door to Close

Tuesday, September 17th, 2024

Today’s blog is going to be a personal testimony. I don’t believe God is done with the whole story yet, but I feel that He wants me to share what I have so far. I was planning to attend the Million Women call in Washington DC that Lou Engle is organizing on October 12th (the Day of Atonement). It’s going to be a time of prayer and fasting for our nation. He is calling forth the Esther’s to go before the King and ask Him to save our nation. Since I first learned about it, I could feel my spirit stirring with anticipation for what God is going to do through this event. I also felt that this trip was going to bring a new level of victory into my personal life.

I had sent my check to reserve a bus seat with a local church. Little did I know, this check was on it’s way back to me in the mail. I had apparently written the wrong address on the envelope. The day I received it back in the mail was the day that the bus payment was due. And that day, I just happened to get the mail later in the day and it was too late to call the church. I had no phone number for the woman organizing the event, just an email. My initial thoughts ran the spectrum from feeling like I had failed, like I was going to miss the event, and a little bit of pride in not wanting to admit that my payment was late. Perhaps I wasn’t even supposed to go. Admittedly, I did way more sulking and allowing heaviness to reign than I should have.

An hour or so later I decided I needed to email the organizer and ask for favor. I truly believed I was supposed to be at this event, and I was starting to get the sense that the enemy was trying to keep me from going. I knew all the things I was feeling and hearing in my head were not from God. I got out my phone and started typing an email. I explained what happened, asked if there was still room on the bus and asked for favor. You wouldn’t believe it, but when I got to what was just about the end of my email the whole email disappeared. My spirit immediately picked up on the fact that the enemy was again trying to steal and destroy. So, I typed it up again and was just about to the end, and guess what? It completely disappeared again. Now the warrior was starting to stir up in me. The enemy had overplayed his hand, and it was time to battle back. This time I turned on the laptop and typed up my email from there. I was finally able to finish it and send it off. As I had told myself from the very beginning, if God wanted me on that trip He would make a way.

Final Thoughts…

I will be the first to admit, that I am not always very good at deciphering resistance from the enemy. As soon as I get some push back, I start to question everything. I am learning more and more lately, that when God wants us to do something it’s not a matter of whether or not we will get resistance from the enemy, it’s more a matter of when. Yes, there are some times when we may head down a path and God is the one that closes the door. But, more often than not, I think the enemy is the one trying to close a door that God has opened. Instead of rising up, confirming with God and moving forward we shrink back in fear or agree with thoughts of failure and missing out. God is always ready to answer our “Is this the right path?”. We just have to ask the question and listen for His reply. I am happy to share that the organizer extended me grace and more time to get my check to the correct address. As for the rest of the testimony, there is clearly more that needs healing in me regarding my response to the whole situation. I am so glad that God completes all the work that He starts!