The Perfect Fortress

Thursday, October 10th, 2024

As a homeschooling mama, every day I get an opportunity to re-learn something from school I may have forgotten or even learn something brand new. It feels a little bit like a treasure hunt. And sometimes the things I learn have a spiritual connection that makes the new found wisdom even more beneficial. Recently, we read a story from the time just after Christ’s death (a lesson from Mystery of History II). The Jews were being heavily persecuted by the Romans and one sect of the Jews (the Sicarii) decided to hike up to Masada to protect themselves.

Masada was a fortress built on top of a high hill on the western shores of the Dead Sea. Herod the Great had originally constructed the fortress as an escape from his enemies. In scripture, this Herod was the one that tried to murder Jesus when he was a baby by ordering the death of all of the boys in Bethlehem under two years old. This was not a righteous man. His son, Herod Antipas, was involved in Jesus’ crucifixion. That is a generational line that needs some repentance and cleansing!

Now for the rest of the story. The Jews were safe atop Masada for a few years. But eventually, the Romans constructed a dirt ramp to get their soldiers and weaponry to the top of Masada. The Jews knew they were getting close to being overtaken. In seeing there was no way out, 960 Sicarii Jews killed themselves in one night.

As we were reading this story, the phrase that came to me was, “What fortress are you running to?” The Jews thought they were safe from their enemy at Masada. What they failed to consider however, was the generational wickedness that had been released at Masada by its previous residents. Sometimes it’s not just the outside enemy that causes us trouble, it’s the enemy within.

Final Thoughts…

To where do we run when we are overwhelmed by our circumstances? Do we look for other people to help us? Is it our financial security that gives us peace? Is it our emotions and feelings that we believe protect and comfort us? What about our dwelling places, have we cleansed these places for the kingdom of God? What about our generational lines, have we repented for the sins of our ancestors and broken off any curses that were allowed into our blood lines? It’s as easy as asking God to show us where to begin. Here are a few powerful scriptures that talk about God as our fortress. Psalm 144:2 says:

My lovingkindness and my fortress,
My high tower and my deliverer,
My shield and the One in whom I take refuge,
Who subdues my people under me.

Psalm 31:3 says:

For You are my rock and my fortress;
Therefore, for Your name’s sake,
Lead me and guide me.